The basic geographic database of Songliao basin in northeast of China

Release time:2015-02-08

Browsing times: 1440


Data Abstract

Based on the reconnaissance and analysis technology,the data set is made up of the reconnaissance and analysis results and the interpretation of remote sensing, and the spatial reference (projection and coordinate system) is Albers. The survey results images are derived and read in software ArcMap,using a variety of tools for a map, based on the scale of standard framing way of interpretation, the formation of vector data is formed into the file. Finally, the data is exported in the vector file.The data of administrative division,landscape, soil, vegetation , land use, traffic road and residential elevation were extracted from the file library to build the basic geographic database of Songliao basin.

Dataset Size
51200 kb
Science research、teaching、governemntn policy-making
Data Extension
Production Unit
Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Data Quality
This data is complete and reliable
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No. 4888 Sheng Bei street, hi-tech North District, Changchun, Jilin
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Responsible Name
WDC RRE Working Team
RespInst Name
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS.
RespInst Address
11 A, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China.
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