Wetland Distribution Dataset

Release time:2018-05-10

Browsing times: 7198


The wetland distribution dataset contains the observed and predicted wetland data in current, 21st century representative concentration pathway (RCP) emission scenarios (RCP2.6, 4.5, 6.0 and 8.5) and Middle holocene (about 6000 years ago) in geotiff format with 1km spatial resolution. The natural wetland distribution areas data is in Shapefile format.

The dataset could be referenced as:

ZhenshanXue, Yuanchun Zou, Zhongsheng Zhang, XianguoLyu, Ming Jiang, Haitao Wu, Xiaohui Liu, Shouzheng Tong, 2018. Reconstruction and Future Prediction of the Distribution of Wetlands in China. Earth's Future.

Dataset Size
148185 kb
Data Extension
Forest Marsh; Fresh Water Marsh; Wet Meadow; Salt Marsh; Seasonal Salt Marsh; Shrub Marsh
Northeast China (NEC), Tibetan plateau (TP), North China (NC), Inner Mongolia of China (IMC), East China (EC), Southwest China (SWC) and Northwest China (NWC)
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WDC RRE Working Team
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Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS.
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