Tag: monthly maximum temperature Minimum temperature Average temperature High resolution
This data is the monthly maximum, minimum and average temperature data of China from 1951 to 2020. The spatial resolution is 0.0083333 ° (about 1km), and the time is from January 1951 to December 2020. The data format is GeoTIFF.This data set is based on monthly meteorological station data of National Meteorological Science Data Center( http://data.cma.cn/ )using machine learning method Gaussian process regression interpolation production.In addition, the test samples were used to test the accuracy of the data through the root mean square error (RMSE), the mean absolute error (MAE), and the determination coefficient (R²).The accuracy of the data was checked and found to be high. This data set covers the main land areas in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), excluding islands and reefs in the South China Sea. The unit of temperature is ℃.