Spatiotemporal Change of Soil Organic Carbon Storage During Vegetation Restoration on the Loess Plateau(2010-2019)
Release time: 2023-01-09      Browsing times: 221    


The dataset is the organic carbon storage data of artificial arbors, artificial shrubs, abandoned grasslands and shallow and deep soil of farmland after the implementation of the project of returning farmland to forests (grasslands) in the loess hilly region. The dataset is derived from the national key research and development plan "Monitoring and evaluation of ecological benefits of major ecological projects - 2017YFC0506503". The data of the data collection department comes from the literature collation, and some data comes from the measured data; The data is completed through preprocessing, screening, calculation, integration and other steps; Through strict screening, the data are relatively complete, which can objectively reflect the carbon sequestration effect of soil in the process of vegetation restoration on the Loess Plateau, with good and reliable quality.

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Terrestrial Surface
Raster Data
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Li Binbin; Zhang Wantao; Ji Jingyi; Xu Mingxiang; Zhao Yunge
Li Binbin; Zhang Wantao; Ji Jingyi; Xu Mingxiang; Zhao Yunge
Li Binbin; Zhang Wantao; Ji Jingyi; Xu Mingxiang; Zhao Yunge
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University)
Li Binbin; Zhang Wantao; Ji Jingyi; Xu Mingxiang; Zhao Yunge
The data come from the national key R&D plan "Monitoring and Assessment of Ecological Benefits of Major Ecological Projects - Monitoring and Assessment of Ecological Benefits of Major Ecological Projects (2017YFC0506503)", led by Zhao Yunge, and the project is undertaken by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Resources of Chinese Academy of Sciences and by Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology. Part of the data comes from field test observation. In the field survey, the recovery years of each sample plot were obtained by asking local villagers and literature records, and three duplicates were set for each sample plot. During the sampling period, 2-6 arbor forests, shrubbery forests and abandoned grasslands are set respectively 20× 20m、5 × 5m and 1 × 1m quadrat. In each quadrat, the indexes such as DBH, tree height, crown width, coverage, species diversity, aboveground biomass and litter volume were investigated. Collect soil samples from 0-200 cm soil layers (with an interval of 20 cm) with a soil drill with an inner diameter of 5 cm, and seal and mark each layer of each sample plot after multi-point mixing. In addition, undisturbed soil samples were obtained at each sample plot with a ring cutter (volume of 100 cm3), and soil bulk density, capillary porosity, total porosity and other indicators were measured. For the samples for measuring soil moisture, drying (105 ℃), weighing and recording shall be completed on the day of sampling. The soil organic carbon samples were taken back to the laboratory for air drying, and the litter and roots were removed. After 0.25mm screening, potassium dichromate external heating method was used for determination.

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