The dataset of risk assessment of ice-snow disaster in southern China

Release time:2018-07-03

Browsing times: 672


Data Abstract

Risk assessment of ice-snow disaster contributed to understand the probability and spatial distribution of that, which was of great significance for disaster prevention and reduction work. In this dataset, five indicator factors including daily average temperature, daily average precipitation, elevation, slope direction, and slope were selected to participate in the assessment work.

The expert knowledge score method was used to determine the weights of the four indicators of precipitation, elevation, slope, and aspect. The average temperature was regarded as the most critical factor, which decided whether the area suffered from ice-snow disaster. The risk assessment value of ice-snow disaster was calculated, which was normalized.

The dataset could be used for post-disaster related research.

Dataset Size
79564.8 kb
Start Time
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WDC RRE Working Team
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Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS.
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11 A, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China.
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