
Flood Disaster Database in Songliao River Basin

Flood Disaster Database in Songliao River Basin

Author : giser   2018-04-12  Browse: 763
Category : Data

Abstract: Based on the reconnaissance and analysis technology, the format tables for flood disaster data of Songliao basin are preceded and ...

Based on the reconnaissance and analysis technology, the format tables for flood disaster data of Songliao basin are preceded and sorted through data collection and analysis. The initial information had been preceded and finished with excluding irrelevant contents and leaving the relevant parameter information to meet the requirements of database. Finally, performing quality control measures have been taken, including self- checking and checking again by others. The assemble database which is after sorting is made into a file library. The disaster cases, causes and affection of flood, rainstorm, typhoon were extracted from the file library to build the flood disaster database of Songliao basin.

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