
The First International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST held in Beijing

The First International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST held in Beijing

Author : giser   2017-11-23  Browse: 1380
Category : News

Abstract: From November 21 to 22, 2017, the First International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service was convened in Beiji...

From November 21 to 22, 2017, the First International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service was convened in Beijing. It was co-hosted by International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO (IKCEST) and Section on Earth Sciences and Geo-Hazards Risk Reduction, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), organized by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS).

Mr. Dexiong Song, director general of General Administration Department of Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE) and the executive deputy director of IKCEST, Mr. Soichiro Yasukawa, programme specialist and coordinator for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience, UNESCO Section on Earth Sciences and Geo-hazards Risk Reduction, Ms. Gretchen Kalonji, former Assistant Director-General of UNESCO and the dean of Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University-Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ms. Himalchuli Gurung, officer-in-charge of the UNESCO Beijing Office, Ms. Kai Feng, deputy director of the Division of International Organization Programme, Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Peijun Shi, executive vice president of Beijing Normal University, Professor Jiyuan Liu from IGSNRR, CAS, Ms. Chang Liu, deputy director of Knowledge Centre Office, General Administration Department of CAE and Mr. Ming Zhang, the deputy director of Foreign Cooperation Department from IGSNRR, CAS participated in this workshop. And the team of UNESCO/IKCEST Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Services as well as experts from Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Disaster Reduction Centre of China (NDRCC), China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China Earthquake Networks Centre and Sichuan University attended this workshop.

Professor Juanle Wang, the project executive and technical leader of Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service, moderated the opening ceremony. Mr. Soichiro Yasukawa, Ms. Himalchuli Gurung, Mr. Dexiong Song and Ms. Kai Feng addressed in the meeting. Professor Jiyuan Liu moderated the keynote speech and work report exchange activities, during which, Mr. Soichiro Yasukawa made a report on “UN DRR initiatives and UNESCO Action on DRR”, and Ms. Gretchen Kalonji made a report on “New Models for Interdisciplinary Disaster Research and Education”. Prof. Peijun Shi reported “Mapping Global Mortality and Affected Population Risks for Multiple Natural Hazards”. In the work reporting phase, Dr. Chang Liu reported “Founding Philosophies and Current Practices of UNESCO-IKCEST”. Professor Juanle Wang made a report on “Progress and development plan of Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service System of IKCEST”. Participants discussed those work reports fervently.

Some suggestions and comments are summarized in the first stage discussion, including the selection of priority areas for knowledge service plans, standard development of disaster metadata, user requirements analysis of knowledge service system, information service of disaster location, the application of knowledge of disasters data and opening degree of this system. Mr. Soichiro Yasukawa offered some suggestions about case study of disaster metadata standard, expert’s video conference of knowledge service merging with consummating plans which aim to use knowledge of disaster prevention and mitigation to serve the future by some focused manners on the basis of the second stage discussion.

Mr. Dexiong Song, emphasized the importance of study about disaster metadata standard for promoting the sharing of global disaster data. Meanwhile, he pointed out four suggestions. First, establishing a long-term mechanism for regular international seminars together with Disaster Risk Reduction Department of UNESCO and holding such workshops annually or biennially. Second, maintaining connection with these high-level experts for project team and forming the international experts’ network gradually. Third, strengthening multinational cooperation and promoting the Knowledge Service platform application in the world through UNESCO. Fourth, enhancing close domestic communications with some China's organization and promoting the landing application.

The First International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service was ended after visiting DNRCC. Project team of IKCEST Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service based on Institution of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences will make great use of the output of this workshop, deeply strengthen international and internal cooperation, and steadily improve the application and service ability of Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service System (

Pictures of the workshop are attached:

Fig 1: Live scene

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