
Chinese WDS Members to Develop Common Clearing House

Chinese WDS Members to Develop Common Clearing House

Author : giser   2014-07-23  Browse: 642
Category : News

Abstract: Whilst in Beijing to attend the International Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes, Mustapha Mokrane (WDS...

Whilst in Beijing to attend the International Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes, Mustapha Mokrane (WDS Executive Director) met with the Representatives of Chinese WDS Regular Members at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research; host of the World Data Centre for Renewable Resources and Environment.

The discussion focussed on building a strong contribution from WDS China towards the planned WDS Metadata Catalogue, and Chinese data centres will work in unison to agree on a standard protocol in order to provide a dynamically updated metadata service in English. Moreover, WDS China is leading a project to use brokering technology to consolidate the unique data holdings generated by Chinese research teams into a common clearing house as a single channel for ICSU-WDS to harvest its metadata.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Juanle Wang for his hospitality and for organizing this very useful meeting.

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