
Call for papers--World Data System Asia-Oceania Conference 2019

Call for papers--World Data System Asia-Oceania Conference 2019

Author : xuzhiping   2018-12-18  Browse: 1232
Category : News

Abstract: 1.Background The World Data System (WDS) is an Interdisciplinary Body of the Internat...


The World Data System (WDS) is an Interdisciplinary Body of the International Science Council created by its 29th General Assembly in 2008. Its predecessor, the World Data Center (WDC), was founded in 1957. The mission of WDS is to support the long-term vision of ICS, to provide long-term management and equal access to scientific data, data services, products and information, to promote compliance with mutually agreed data standards and practices, and to provide mechanisms for promoting and improving data access, among a range of disciplines such as natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, and to adopt "data sharing principle" to promote its objectives.

In the “WDS Asia-Oceania Conference, 2017” held in Kyoto, Japan, 2017, we reached to a common understanding that the continuation of our effort is important to build a collaborative network of data repositories in developing regions. Along this line, WDS Asia-Oceania Conference 2019 will be held in Beijing, China, on 7 - 8 May 2019. This conference is hosted by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Science.


  • Strengthen collaboration in the Asia-Oceania region to reinforce WDS-oriented activities
  • Introduce advanced technologies to data management
  • Push the cooperation of inter-operational computing or interoperability in WDS community
  • Build and expand WDS community in the Asia-Oceania region
  • Exchange experience on successful WDS trustworthy data-repositories certification and membership application
  • Promote WDS-oriented activities in support of ICSU-led projects in the Asia-Oceania region

3.Important Dates:

Registration: November 15, 2018 - March 30, 2019

Abstract Submission: November 15, 2018 - February 15, 2019

Application for Support: January 1, 2019- February 15, 2019

Notifications of abstract acceptance: February 15-20, 2019

Notifications of support: February 15-20, 2019

Hotel Reservation: March 1, 2019 - April 27, 2019

Conference: May 7, 2019 - May 8, 2019

4.Abstract Submission

We are pleased to invite you to be part of the World Data System Asia-Oceania Conference (WDS-AO) 2019 by presenting your relevant work related to data. All submissions will be compiled and made available to attending participants. Abstracts should be submitted through the conference website (, before February 15, 2019. Authors will be notified of all abstract acceptances no later than February 20, 2019.

To help in preparation of abstracts, we post the list of categories of papers as follows.

(1) Data acquisition – Barriers and efforts

(2) Practices for preservation and provision of quality-accessed research data

(3) Infrastructures for international and collaborative activities on data.

(4) Application of advanced technologies to data management

(5) Enhance data standard or best practice for data management

(6) Promotion of Open Science and Open Data activities (including data publication)

(7) Data driven science cooperation and sustainable development (e.g., UN SDGs)

(8) Supporting early career researchers on data-oriented activities

Note that all authors who will submit an abstract are invited to submit a full paper to WDS-AO 2019. Some of the selected papers will be encouraged to expand their contribution into Data Science Journal.


Conference Room 2602, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Address: A11, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.

6.Hosts and Organizers

Convener and host:

ICSU World Data System (


Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.


Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS:


World Data System China(

World Data Center for Renewable Resources and Environment (WDC-RRE:

Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository (

Chinese Astronomical Data Center (

Chinese Space Science Data Center (

WDC for Geophysics, Beijing (

Cold and Arid Regions Science Data Center at Lanzhou (CARD) (

WFCC - MIRCEN World Data Centre for Microorganisms (

WDC - Oceanography, Tianjin (

National Earth System Data Sharing Infrastructure (

7.Secretariats and Contacts

Secretary general: Prof. Juanle Wang, World Data Center for Renewable Resources and Environment, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

WDS International Programme Office (IPO): Prof. Takashi Watanabe

Contact person of LOC: Yuelei Yuan, E-mail:

Call For Papers - WDS AO2019

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