
Three New Members Appointed to WDS-SC

Three New Members Appointed to WDS-SC

Author : xuzhiping   2020-03-17  Browse: 2112
Category : News

Abstract: We are pleased to announce that David Castle, Aminata Garba, and Juanle Wang have been invited by the ISC Committee for Science...

We are pleased to announce that David Castle, Aminata Garba, and Juanle Wang have been invited by the ISC Committee for Science Planning to serve on the WDS Scientific Committee (WDS-SC) for an initial term ending on 30 June 2021.

David, Aminata, and Juanle, replace Arona Deidhiou and David 'Paddy' Patterson who both were unable to continue on the WDS-SC due to health reasons, as well as Sandy Harrison, who recently stepped down as SC Chair.

We hope the WDS community will join us in giving David, Aminata, and Juanle a warm welcome to the World Data System! Their bios can be found here (Dr Castle), here (Dr Garba), and here (Prof Wang).

The full list of WDS-SC members is given on the Scientific Committee webpage.

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